Make an impression today on

The region's most read, locally owned and operated community news website.

100% local content, and no paywalls

Unlike many news organizations, we made a choice to keep our independent, community reporting free and available for everyone.
As a result, we've built an online community and a sense of trust where both local people and businesses can flourish, without outside

No sketchy ad networks to compete with

We value both our readers and advertisers and protect them from possible outside treats, by eliminating 3rd party ad networks. We feel local businesses who support our "free and available to all" content model should be front and center to promote their goods and services to our readers.

2x-4x more than the national click-thru rate

As a result of eliminating 3rd party ad networks, our advertisers see productive results from running on our website, knowing local people are clicking and engaging with their ads.

279,948 pageviews
per month

We use the Google analytics reporting to gather valuable insights into how users are interacting on our website, so you can be rest assure our number are correct.

Average based on the analytics for the last year.

Ad unit sizes to fit any budget

Regardless of what you may have allocated towards your online advertising budget, we offer different size ad units and flexible ad trafficking to accommodate nearly any budget. So everyone can reach our online community.

What they're saying...

Many New Customers!

"We have greatly enjoyed working with Tom Hollingsworth, the sales rep at Sun Community News & Printing, and have had great success advertising on We have many new customers as a result of these ads. They care about their customers and our business"


Kerry Taylor, 

Owner, Zukes Deli

Easy and Seamless!

"The Sun and found a great option to fit our budget. Tom was quick to respond when we had questions and made sure to clarify details for us and ensure that our ad was exactly how we wanted it. I would recommend working with Tom and The Sun for any advertising needs. They are knowledgeable, competitively priced, and so easy to work with!"

MacKenzie Dumas, 

Recruiter, Mold-Rite Plastics


"We at Garvey Hyundai have had great success working with The Sun and their three-prong approach; running in The Sun newspaper, on their website, and on their LED Billboard. We couldn’t be happier how well this partnership is working out."

Mark Allen, 

Used Car Sales Manager, Garvey Hyundai

Many New Customers!

"We have greatly enjoyed working with Tom Hollingsworth, the sales rep at Sun Community News & Printing, and have had great success advertising on We have many new customers as a result of these ads. They care about their customers and our business"


Kerry Taylor, 

Owner, Zukes Deli

Easy and Seamless!

"The Sun and found a great option to fit our budget. Tom was quick to respond when we had questions and made sure to clarify details for us and ensure that our ad was exactly how we wanted it. I would recommend working with Tom and The Sun for any advertising needs. They are knowledgeable, competitively priced, and so easy to work with!"

MacKenzie Dumas, 

Recruiter, Mold-Rite Plastics

Information on online advertising?

Simply complete the fields below and one of our friendly representatives will contact you to answer any questions you may have.

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